The famous Swedish RPG “Drakar och Demoner” becomes a serious and dark film. The buzz surrounding this project is huge and already has the media and the fans of the game written about it. To kick the project off an ambitious pilot (a prequel) was shot.
Simon composed the music for the pilot called “Giltes Bane” and the music range from organic Nordic influenced music to dark and beautiful cues. One cue was inspired by the famous masked ball in “Eyes Wide Shut” but other than that it’s hard to resemble the score to much else. Simon was in some way inspired by Werner Herzog‘s film “Nosferatu” and more.
“Giltes Bane” is about a hunter in the dark and cursed forest called Vildhjarta and the main actor is Jerker Fahlström which is known from films such as “Arn – Riket Vid Vägens Slut”, The “Johan Falk” movies/series and “Farsan”.
Aftonbladet, one of the most read Swedish newspapers wrote this about the project. Read it here.
The Pilot is produced by Stefan Rydehed at Lirmo AB The Pilot is directed by Fredrik Engelhag at Lirmo AB
