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Chronological walkthrough of the activities since Christmas 2012

The following projects and news are presented in this news article:

Smitten, The Box,, Mixed Martial Arts – Myter, Fakta, Möten, Drakar och Demoner: Tronländaren – Behind the Scenes, Septekh, Heroes Fighting Championship and The Monitor Celestra – Larp event of the decade.

Simon is for sure not slowing down 2013. Here’s a chronology since last update:


Before the Danish film premier of” Ingen Røde Øjne” in Copenhagen it was given a new title called “Smitten”. The premier, just before Christmas 2012, went very well.

The Box

Early 2013 the unique film entitled “The Box” had a first showing in Stockholm Sweden. The film will be seen on several festivals all over the world and maybe also getting a trimmed down net release? To see The Box on a big screen was great for Simon and director Richard Jarnhed spoke and told the audience that Simon’s work on the film could be resembled with “The Swedish championship in composing different genres”.

In the middle of January Simon joined forces with the Swedish martial arts site/brand Fightplay as a co-owner and creative editor in chief. During the first month at Fightplay Simon has written over 100 articles and been working on several collaborations.

Simon is very pumped and excited working with and is sure the website will even better in the future. The website is already one of the biggest in Europe when it comes to martial arts (mostly MMA). Visit Fightplay HERE.

Mixed Martial Arts – Myter, Fakta, Möten

Simon’s book about MMA took two year to write and it was ready for proof-writing in the middle of January. Petter Hegevall designed the new cover and Lillebil Hansson proof-read and worked with the layout. George Sallfeldt, Chairman of the Swedish MMA Federation & board member of the International MMA Federation, wrote the foreword. The book will be released in Swedish the 23ed of March. On the cover we see Reza Madadi and on the back Sirwan Kakai. About 20 photos are also incorporated in the book. The book is released by Sportförlaget.


Simon has started working with the Swedish Metal band Septekh who play a style that could be described as a blend of Black, Death and Punk. The rather strange band is consisting of highly unique individuals and is enshrouded with a bizarre and mystical veil. Simon has made an intro so far for Septekh and might be mixing and or mastering their upcoming album.

Drakar och Demoner: Tronländaren – Behind the Scenes

The music for this epic film was created most of all 2012. It was said that the film would have it’s premier in Gothenburg Film Festival in January 2013 but it will now instead have a much grander opening in Canada (Fantasia Film Festival), by virtue of the reputation developed over the last 15 years, this festival has been described as perhaps the “most outstanding and largest genre film festival in North America”. The production companies behind this project are also discussing a release on DVD.

In December 2012 and January/February 2013 Simon was featured in a Behind the Scenes documentary about the music department of the film (consisting of more than 40 people) and the composing. The documentary was created by Andreas Doyle at Carnival Pictures and Simon’s Musical Assistant (on the project) Joel Forssell. Except Simon, Joel, members of the choir and so forth the old Swedish game designer guru Olle Sahlin also takes part in the documentary.

Andreas shot the documentary during the work on the music and also afterwards.

The result was so good that it will not be pre released (as first planned) but a part of a forthcoming DVD etc.

Heroes Fighting Championship

Rarely Simon embarks upon the task of making commercials but for Heroes FC he did. On short notice he geared up and made a radio commercial for the upcoming martial arts event in Halmstad (on the same day as Simon’s book is released) the 23ed of March. You will get to hear it soon. Simon teamed up with his very good friend, the actor, Erik Bolin, who’s the voice of the commercial.

The Monitor Celestra – Larp event of the decade

The Monitor Celestra” is a technology enhanced science-fiction Nordic Live Action Roleplaying Game about cultural and personal conflict in the shadow of the destruction of the twelve colonies of mankind. It is the spiritual sequel to the legendary game “Carolus Rex” from 1999.

Simon and Joel Forssell has been creating music for this extraordinary project taking place in March. Simon also had written several of the characters and other stories for the game. Read more (in English) about this project HERE. Listen to the main theme of the game here below:


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