Directed and written by the danish living Daniel Salan (actually one of Simon’s old childhood friends) the short film “Candy” will premiere soon in the “The Current” project.
The short is entitled “Candy” and it is a experimental short film about the sex positive feminist perspective on sex and sexuality in society today. Simon’s music is deliquate and kind of fragile.
Read more about the project below.
Candy who is a determined and strong sex positive feminist woman shows the fine line between sexuality and integrity of a woman. Also to raise questions about gender equality, objectification, dehumanisation and how sexuality affects us all in society. How do men see women today? How do women see other women? Candy makes a statement – a statement about owning her sexuality.
Over the course of 10 weeks in the fall 2014, The Current will release 10 short films by 10 different directors, who in each their own way will explore a current theme, and treat it using the tools of cinema. The films will be widely accessible on varying platforms online as well as in “the real world”.
The Current is 10 attempts at alternative journalistic modes of communication, and 10 never before seen explorations of the news media. A creative supplement in the media landscape. It is entirely free and widely accessible. Based on the idea that our world view originates from our often abstract emotional life, rather than from our rational thoughts, it is our mission to add to news media an extra dimension across the spoken and written word – doing so via creative and artistic cinematic solutions.